Yep, after sending $25 bucks for the cause last time and after two years in a row offering up my trailer.....I didnt get a thank you, just scammed out of alot of cash.

Lets all hope the system works for a change.

But at the same time its clear there is a long list of people Eddie has put it to....

I dont think Indiana will be very Elvis friendly from what im told.

I can honestly say after the big F/U ive gotten from Eddie, nothing would please me more then to see him eat it at 150 plus, now thats Karma as he likes to put it.

Eddie is one person that could fall off the earth today and the world would be a better place without him in it.

Im amazed with the target he has on him from the list of people hes dicked over he can even leave his home town let alone go out of state.

Sorry Ray, I know hes your buddy but if you run with dogs sooner or later you will get fleas.

So the best I can do, as others feel the same is hope the worst for eddie and hope Ray dont get caught up in the mess.

As far as im concerned since my cash went into the purple car, until the 4k debt is delt with I own part of that car.

Ive been asked to sell the debt as some people in his town feel they can collect and really thats not a bad option....