rather do a convert and rear than a cam??? come on over you can pull my trans and put n a 3k convert for me and I'll do your cam...lol
Really the 484 while some claim in runs well in a low comprssion non-geared car would be suprised how uch better their car would run w/ the right cam in it. Just because you can do a burn out doesn't mean the car is running it's best. If you are careful and clean as you go the engine won't get all nasty. A cam swap is probably your cheapest and best way to go. If you want to keep the 484 you'll need a 3k convert, 3.91's, headers, at least 2.5 exhaust, and probably nothing smaller than a 750DP carb. Also try advancing your timing to 38* @ 2200. Un-hook the vac advance.

Coming soon!!!!