
71 Cuda 383 auto 727 tranny. Hooker Headers #5903HKR. 1 1/16" from starter mounting surface to surface of ring gear. Original OEM starter worked fine, but headers did not clear. Had issues with Robb Mc mini. Looking for an alternative mini that will clear without the headers! What else?

Ok , I remember that header callout now, my bad .

You may be out of luck , if you can't get the Robbmc to work and you can't get a std gear reduction starter to fit without a mini is more than likely going to fit either.

I've been there, a header that hit the gear reduction starter and I had to the header tube to get that one in there, I would have had to just about collapse the tube to half its diameter to get a mini in there and it still would have been too close to not cause heat issues later on with the starter. I also was unable to get the mini in the starter hole without unbolting the header from the engine. TTi's are designed to work around a mini but I think even they are limited to a certian tube size if I remember right.

On a plus note I was able to get a mini on a low deck with now discontinued Hedmans with 1 7/8 tubes bolted to a lakewood using a 130 tooth flywheel .

Good luck .