we wont be at the indy div. I think that is the same weekend as belle rose, and even if it wasnt I wouldnt go. I would rather go to stanton and test. We left g-ville around noon, we are going to mooresville to run the stick car. Missy is overnighting some parts we need to Wayne Jesels house for us.
We plan to stay as long as we need to. We made a handful of changes for this morning, and were looking forward to running the car, but that got cancelled.
If anyone wants to come to mooresville, we would be glad to supply you with a war fish t shirt to help our race fund.
I didnt get a chance to take any pics this weekend, we were kinda busy, I did take some at jerico though.

And Stella, what kind of car did your husband race, I'll bet you really miss that. You seem like you really love racing.