I have not done this at home but this would be how I would do it. Car on a level surface(measure across the subframes side to side w something straight & a carpenters level),half tank of gas ,tires aired up,my weight in barbells in the front seat,UCA's/LCA's lightly snug, move the 4 cam bolts for the most positive caster then set the steering wheel straight ahead,wheels straight ahead(measure the tread) then adj the ride height to where you like it(& equal side to side),then move the rear cam bolt until a carpenters long level vertical on the sidewall reads level on the horizontle bubble then move each tire in 1/32". EDIT I'd use bottle jacks on each corner to get it initially leveled

Last edited by RapidRobert; 06/16/09 08:23 AM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth