
Just wanted to chime in. I have only done this once so I am no expert and I am curious if the method I used is correct. I used the method Keisler explains in their installation instructions as I am installing one of their TKO600 kits. Using their method you take 4 readings; 12:00, 03:00, 06:00 and 09:00. I zero'd my dial indicator at 12:00 so that reading is "0", 03:00 was -0.010, 06:00 was +0.002 and 09:00 was +0.012. Their method says to add the opposite readings then divide by 2 = runout in that direction. 12:00 + 06:00, 0 + 0.002 = 0.002 divided by 2 = 0.001 top/bottom runout; 09:00 + 03:00, 0.012 + -0.010 = 0.002 divided by 2 =0.001 left/right runout. If their method is correct using your numbers 02:00, -0.020 and 08:00, 0.008; -0.020 + 0.008 = -0.012 divded by 2 = a runout of 0.006, ignore the negative value. According to Keisler if your runout is more than 0.005 you will need to correct it.

The Keisler method is one reason I hate overly complicated instructions for no real benefit. That method if followed to the letter depends on starting out with the dial indicator at '0'. If Blakcharger440 could do that (which apparently he can't), his numbers would be either '0' and '28' or '0' and '-28' depending on which point the dial was zeroed on. Youngblood and others are correct, the secret is Total Indicator Reading (TIR) which is double the offset. Based on Blak's last numbers, 0.014" would be the applicable correction.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".