Just wanted to chime in. I have only done this once so I am no expert and I am curious if the method I used is correct. I used the method Keisler explains in their installation instructions as I am installing one of their TKO600 kits. Using their method you take 4 readings; 12:00, 03:00, 06:00 and 09:00. I zero'd my dial indicator at 12:00 so that reading is "0", 03:00 was -0.010, 06:00 was +0.002 and 09:00 was +0.012. Their method says to add the opposite readings then divide by 2 = runout in that direction. 12:00 + 06:00, 0 + 0.002 = 0.002 divided by 2 = 0.001 top/bottom runout; 09:00 + 03:00, 0.012 + -0.010 = 0.002 divided by 2 =0.001 left/right runout. If their method is correct using your numbers 02:00, -0.020 and 08:00, 0.008; -0.020 + 0.008 = -0.012 divded by 2 = a runout of 0.006, ignore the negative value. According to Keisler if your runout is more than 0.005 you will need to correct it.