Originally Posted by RoadRunnerLuva
As a "veteran" of three heart attacks, numerous heart catheter labs, and one open heart surgery....
I know all too well, how scary it all can be. With that, I'm glad to hear you are doing better.
My last catheter lab visit was just back in late February, because I had recurring chest pains too. My cardiologist
found no new blockages this time luckily, but he did start me on a certain version of nitro. It's a
slow release pill that lasts throughout the day, called Ranolazine. I take it once in the am, once at night, along with daily aspirin/plavix.
Haven't had any issues since he started me on this. You may want to ask your Dr. about it...to see what she thinks.
Oh yeah, eat/drink as HEALTHY as possible...lots of Omega 3 rich foods ( think salmon/mackerel etc.)...drink a lot of water too.
Too much sugar, salt, red meat, booze, carbohydrates ...are your mortal enemies... I wish you all the best! luck
You're so right on these mortal enemies. It may not sound like fun avoiding these things but you have to make a choice. up

Facts are stubborn things.