Originally Posted by Stanton
And what’s wrong with a bypass???

Had a quad in September as a result of just a routine checkup. In the grand scale of things … no big deal. 4 days in the hospital and about eight weeks recovery. In your current condition you’d be an idiot to turn it down.

At least lay off the Big Mac’s !!

I can fully understand the OP's trepidation about bypass surgery. ANY surgery is a
big deal, no matter what anyone says...nothing is guaranteed. I went in for a simple outpatient stent procedure, years ago, and ended up
in the ICU 9-10 hours later, waking up on a ventilator with tubes sticking out everywhere. All I remember before blacking out... people were scrambling all around me, and panicking voices. The idiotic/moron
cardiologist punctured one of my arteries, while trying to place the stent. If the thoracic heart surgeon on staff,
hadn't been there on a different floor, that day...I wouldn't be typing any of this... and my wife would be a widow.
So if the OP needs a bypass, make damn sure you ask for the most experienced/best Dr. to handle it for you. twocents

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