Wrong as usual there sniper troll.

And the claim is that they work better OOTB than most any of their competitors. Not that they are 'perfect' or that they would never need any tuning. There are valid reasons why the Street Demon is a better choice than many of their very dated competitors. But you don't seem to know about any of that.

The Street Demon just happens to perfectly fit the OP's preferences. That is the ONLY reason that I bring them up. I even narrowed their preferred application substantially. They are not the end all, be all of carburetors. But they do fit the O.PO.'s preferences better than any other carb that I know of. I most certainly would NEVER recommend the CarterBrocks to anyone hoping to 'bolt on and go'. All you have to do is to look at their tune chart for the rods and mains and most guys would run the other way. Then there's the lack of ability to tune the transitions without a drill and bits. They are not a bad carb in and of themselves, it's just that there are better choices for applications like the O.P. But, if you haven't ran them on different combos to see how they work, it's understandable that you wouldn't know that.

If you know of a better fit for the O.P., then by all means, bring it up. Otherwise, you are just being yourself................as usual.

And by the way, the Street Demons new are about the same price as the CarterBrocks that you mention. And used are about the same price too. Depending on condition. So, who's stretching hard now?

Master, again and still