Its all those "convenient" things that are mostly what is tracking you on your phone.
Things like the weather app, map directions, instant answers to questions, the latest stock market news, the latest sports news, those money saving coupons at your finger tips, anything you just have to have because you might get or win something, or you have just because it sounded good, or might have something that interests you and was free. That would be on top of the 20 or so things your phone has automatically added just for the privilege's of carrying it around (and of course for your "safety", or any web site you looked at on your phone.

Most people are so addicted to the instant information, they couldn't live with out it. There are phones out there that do not have many tracking apps, but most people would just add all their "needed" apps as soon as they got one of those non-tracking phones in their hands.

I have a flip phone without an internet connection, and most of the time, it is sitting on the kitchen table. My truck has 96 technology, so unless my wife is riding along with her loaded phone, I'm pretty hard to track, I think. When this thing dies, I'm going for one of those low tracking phones.