Originally Posted by PhillyRag
Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by PhillyRag
While the pit was good with no major injuries, the speeds of that truck should have terminated the chase at many points.
Wonder what the offense was for chase?

I'll politely disagree as if the perps know that then they'll just run. Glad they nailed the SOB and AWESOME PIT JOB up beer

If for a relatively minor offense, not worth the risk of creating greater disaster.
So police should match the speeds of any fleeing suspects?
Yea sure; until an innocent gets t-boned, then it's the police faults.

Yeah, don't blame the idiot who started running from the police in the first place.
We can't go blaming the criminals.
What a hot, steaming pile of male bovine feces.

Your life is not my fault.
My life is none of your business.

Speech is free only if you agree with those in control.