Originally Posted by jcc
Originally Posted by larrymopar360
I don't know of any other agency that'll PIT a motorcycle


You can pretty much see the attitude change of the Trooper in his pursuit driving, when the Motorcycle actually begins to elude. Trooper feels he has been "dissed" or something. Some people are just bad, some people make stupid mistakes. They will always be around. If that angers you, get another job.
It's commonly known when a person becomes angry for any reason, they are on a very slippery path to becoming very stupid and suffer from tunnel vision, and a well-trained professional that is capable of using legally deadly force should be able to self-recognize that decline, as the outcome is seldom good.
And Innocent lives are put at risk.
Gee, jcc? I knew despite my opening line that stated I wasn't trying to turn this into a controversial discussion on pursuit policies, there'd be someone who couldn't stop themselves from a bit of bashing. Now I guess they best move or lock the thread. Did you also not bother to see this was in the General section? Seems YOU can't control yourself.

Facts are stubborn things.