Where I live the county has volunteer guides that can help you. Plus my previous employer had classes you could take. You’ll need to invest some time to find out what works best for you. Don’t take what I say, get your own expert.

Medicare A is free if you have enough quarters of work. Medicare B is $ 170 per month or more depending on how much you made the previous year. Medicare B only pays 80% with no top limit. So if your bill for a procedure is $ 200 K you will owe $ 40 K, hence you probably should get a supplemental plus the drug coverage part D. Your daughter who makes so much and every other provider drive the costs up rapidly. If you don’t sign up and pay for Medicare part B in your initial enrollment period you pay a 10% penalty for each year you are not enrolled forever. Example, you want to enroll in Medicare part B 5 years after your initial enrollment period. They tack on a 50% penalty every month for the rest of your life. Plus if you don’t buy an excellent supplemental initially the supplemental providers don’t have to accept you and you’re SOL Look at how the drug coverage works if you want to change drug coverage plans before you sign on.

Medicare Advantage is a mine field. If you go that way, buyer be very aware. Up front it all seems rosey. You have to use the networks in network providers. If you have a major health issue, pity you. You will be using the networks providers only. If you want to get yourself into Medicare part B you can only do it at one specific time of year. Plus you wil pay the penalty on Medicare part B for the rest of your life and a supplemental and drug plan does not have to accept you. You will really be SOL. Do some easy research on how much executives at United Health care make. Their system is geared towards delaying care for patients and rewarding executive and shareholder rewards IMHO. Medicare Advantage touts preventative health care, great. Best to look at the downside if things go bad.

It is not hard to get a $ 200 K to $ 300 K bill. Good for your daughter. For you, to choose wisely as Indiana Jones part 3 showed us.

If you haven’t already figured out that you are about to.pay a lot, you are about to.

If you travel internationally you have a whole new set of rules to incorporate into your health coverage.