I have 2 sets of TTI headers. The first set on my big wedge are over 12 years old. The others on my Hemi are 5 or 6 years old. Both have the coating flaking and rust popping out in numerous spots around the collectors and lower parts of the tubes. The cars do not get put into hibernation. At least once a month in the winter we get a nice 50 degree day or two and I get them out, drive them for an hour or so, and put some fresh gas in them before I park them again. They are parked indoors on concrete, but it is not climate controlled.

I called TTI and asked them about this. The first thing they asked is if I coated the lower parts with WD40 when I parked them. It should come as no surprise to anyone that I don't. I did tell him that especially the wedge had a rear main leak that kept at least the pass side a bit coated and it is still rusted. I asked if he thought the WD40 might do a better job through the oil in preventing the scaling and rust. He changed the subject and I never got an answer.

Has anyone else experienced this issue with TTI headers? Is spraying them with WD40 when being parked for a month or so reasonable? Does anyone coat their headers like that when parked?

I am debating between getting another set of coated TTIs and spraying them every time I park it for more than a couple of weeks as TTI suggested. Or sending these headers to Jet-Hot. I will call Jet-Hot tomorrow and get their low down.

I am open to thoughts on this. The TTIs headers themselves are very good headers. Probably the best in the business. I just wonder if there are better coatings than tti offers for these otherwise superior headers.


Okay, I bought another set of TTIs. Because they said that they had updated the driver's side to accommodate the Borgeson box that I am installing. Now, to be clear, these are a discounted set said to be due to scratches, bumps, and bruises. Here is what I unboxed:

[Linked Image]

I talked with CCP. I will likely have them strip and coat these headers. But it is costly.

Given this experience, I would suggest that everyone forgo TTI's ceramic coating. It simply does not hold up for many end users as this thread has born out.

Master, again and still