Originally Posted by Stanton
Y'know, ya gotta take the bad with the good. Just imagine the flip side - where you're in a community that has a HOA - and you can't park a trailer or pickup in your driveway, need approval to do landscaping or paint your house , etc, etc, etc..

I'd take that over a bunch of kids partying roaming around your property drunk, pizzing on your cars or whatever. Not that either is a desirable option.

I live next to a rental house, and over the years I've had good neighbours and bad ones. Living in a city (or suburbs), you are really at the mercy of luck. Neighbours can really affect your quality of life one way or the other.

Over and above all that, air b&bs use up housing for tourists or temporary partiers that could be used to house people. Where I live housing costs have shot up out of site while availability has been near zero - supply and demand has resulted in tent cities to the extent that I never could have imagined 20 years ago.