Thanks for all the responses, let me see if I can respond to all:

JCC - The lights still work when using a 9 volt battery to test them, even still change color, so I don't think it is a gonner.

Hoozie.. I put the 9v power to the wires past cylinder, it is one of those led christmas light repair tools, yellow handle device to help find burned out bulbs.

A12 - I have one of those cheap mutli functional tester... can I use that? I am thinking it is DC because the lights works with a 9 v battery in my light fixer tool.

360 - The cylinder is after the typical christmas light plug, which has 2 of the 3v silver fuses housed in it. These kept popping after the water damage, even after weeks of drying out.

Bsharp - yes, that is what it looks like! A rectifier and it says that on the tag on the box. I guess I have to figure what size rectifier I need. I will look at that website!

Wingan - This set goes for about $100, so you can see why I don't want to give up on them yet. They are a really cool light set.

Thanks again all for the input.. I am going to try the site Bsharp mentioned. Will report back if I get to work again.

The noveltylights site doesn't sell parts or have a technical department, so I am trying some other repair people I saw on youtube...

Last edited by roadrunninMark; 12/05/23 11:27 AM.