Originally Posted by jcc
I just find it slightly annoying that it seems every generation seems to think (without unbiased comparable evidence) the following generation is lesser than themselves, and so few see that and even less can admit it.
I'm of the boomer generation, but not by choice.

To be blunt, I'm annoyed that those within my age range and line of work have been pushed aside with the attitude that the next generation, i.e. millennials, have all the answers but have yet to prove themselves.

The phrase "fake it till you make it" comes to my mind quite a bit when thinking of my workplace. The only thing is, once I see someone "make it", all of a sudden the "fake it" part is forgotten. Whatever they said they could do is no longer important or relevant.

Can I say that about all millennials in all lines of work? Of course not. My comments are based on my experiences.