Originally Posted by jcc
Originally Posted by moparmike1
Originally Posted by a12rag
oh well, the youngsters are the "new" engineers that KNOW IT ALL . . .

Millennials are viewed as having all the answers, regardless of profession.

Why? I have absolutely no idea.

\Curious, what generation did not think they had all the answers?

Fair question.

I'm Generation X, born in 1967.

I don't assume I have all the answers regardless of the situation. When I go into a situation I'm not familiar with, I observe, ask questions and learn. Then, based on that and if there's room for improvement, I try to improve the situation.

In my work, IT, I've observed that a large majority of millennials go into situations and start offering their input as to how to improve. Observing, listening, asking questions? Why bother when that takes time and gets in their way?

There are plenty of "new" approaches that millennials latch on to as well. Lean, agile, etc. New names for being efficient. Reinventing the wheel without learning from those with experience.

For whatever reason, management loves this and has embraced it.

I could go on and on about what I've seen first-hand in my workplace.
