Originally Posted by 73cuda340
Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by 73cuda340
Originally Posted by moparx
how much space is there ?
common washers could be used if needed.
a tip to install all these washers without them falling out. tie them to the shock with common sewing thread. two opposite pieces of thread will hold the assembly together while you install the retaining bolt.

About 3/8" to 1/2" on each side even with the spacers installed on the top bolts

I'm hoping you mean the R and L shock when you say each side eek Either way the gap needs to be filled. I'd be tempted to send them back myself twocents beer

Nope, that's on each side of the shock. The shocks are qa1 double adjustables. I called qa1 and they said the same as above, just add washers to take up the space.

I would tell them to put their shocks where the sun don't shine. Accepting this type of BS condones it and will encourage more slacking on their part as well as others. Doesn't take a lot of effort to program a CNC lathe to spit the correct size spacers out for the application PURE 💩🤬👎 IMO. I'm sure they are cheap as well NOT!!!!!