If you look at the pricing history of most Asian cars you will find they started as cheap econo boxes and slowly gained ground. Those like Honda, Toyota etc. slowly raised prices while adding features and maintaining quality.
A few like Mazda Hyundai and Kia had some quality issues that gave them a black eye. They addressed the issues while keeping the prices low to regain customer confidence. Once accomplished the price increases started along with features.
So we now have 80K examples of what used to be an affordable car.
I have seen Mazda in particular starting to slide backwards in the quality area. having worked for canon 35 or so years ago that was not to be tolerated at any cost.
I believe it has to do with the generations changing much as they did in this country. After WWII Japan and others were in shambles. The US was strong and built quality.
As we went into the late 60's early 70's the men that fought and built this country started into retirement. The generation that took over had it a lot easier and the quality maintained.
next generation had it easier yet and we started to slip.
Wouldn't be surprised to see the same thing happen to Japan, as Korea, Taiwan and China take over. their is also India, Vietnam and others fighting for a piece of the pie.

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