I'ld bet that we all like the idea of being informed of car events in our area. That is not the question. The question is how to do it. Most guys here seem to like them put in their seat rather than have them handed to them or to have them in their goody bag. That surprises me a little, but there it is.

I had 9 flyers this past weekend. Being near the car, I had most just hand them to me. But, there were a few that ended up in the seat.

I just went through the goody bag and there were no flyers there. BUT! One restaurant had a coupon for a free drink with meal purchase and another had a free order of fries with a meal purchase. They have a better shot at my business than the one that put the flyer in my seat. I feel it's just a better way to ask for my support.

Master, again and still