Originally Posted by TimS
Originally Posted by Stanton
Some of you speak of judging like its such a big deal. Well maybe for a handful of people it is, but for the vast majority its just a place to take your Mopar with like-minded folks - most of whom don't have the money nor the time to devote to a trophy-contending trailer queen - and prefer to actually drive their cars! You can hype up the judging all you want, do your chest pounding, etc., but the reality is, most attendees don't care.


Seems to me that is an odd sentiment. Has anyone done a survey of attendees as to what events/activities were the reason they attended?

I have great respect for anyone in the Mopar community who excels at what they do even if not a lot of others appreciate it. It certainly takes at least as much time, money, effort, dedication, and knowledge to build a competitive show car as it does to build a competitive race car. Doesn't it? And at some level both become trailer queens. Since the vast majority of our cars are just 'driver examples', those guys that seek to elevate their cars above that and want to compete to see how good a job they have done, is praise worthy. And that applies to both racers and restos.

Personally, I am far more great grateful to those guys that keep super nice original examples of our cars 'as they were' than I am to guys who are still cutting them up and modifying them to go faster with non Mopar parts. There is certainly a place for that and I enjoy it, too. But there are far fewer nice original examples of our cars left than there are heavily modified ones. And IMHO those efforts are worth supporting.

Master, again and still