Every Hoosier I ever put on a car slowed it up. I know racers swear by them but I have never had good results. I couldn't get Phoenix tires for my car this spring. Put Hoosiers on it. Car slowed up. Phoenix's came back in stock. Put them on and ET came back. Sold the Hoosiers. They seem like the compounds are different enough that what works good on a cold track isn't worth a damn in on a hot track and vice versa. I am talking about something that 60 fts 1 teens too. Slower cars probably won't notice is as much. M/T worked good too but I can't get the size I need for my car anymore.

67 Barracuda street/bracket car 11.27-119
68 Dart 502 BB 8.70s-152
414 cid SB Dragster 7.65-174