Originally Posted by 70Duster
Originally Posted by ChryCoGuy
Originally Posted by MarkZ
These 'insert this thing to piss people off' videos are a plague on YouTube.

Yeah, the title calling out "boomer purists" says it all. I've noticed that a lot of Millennial/Gen Z seem to have a hate on for 'boomers' and will do anything they can to make them look bad while making themselves appear superior (in their minds). Classic case here. FWIW, I was brought up to respect my elders, but it looks like that concept doesn't exist in parenting anymore. It's easier to blame older people for your problems than actually doing something about it, or at least trying to understand why things are the way they are.

I don't see any hate for boomers in this video and I don't see how you think he's trying to make himself look superior. He let's the camera do all the work and the viewer gets to see who said what with no slant. To me, he just looks like a young guy with a carefree attitude doing his thing with cars, having fun and sharing some videos. Maybe people should try not to be so easily offended.

Comparatively speaking, there seems to be few young people who even want to work on cars anymore, so I give this guy some credit for turning bolts and learning how to use a welder.

It's not big deal, but you can't ignore that he calls out 'boomers' in the title, and he did take a car that he knew would cause a kafuffel to a show with a lot of restored cars and then planted a camera knowing that he would have juicy comments to post online. It's not like he had a sign posted saying that they are being videoed and he will post their comments on a youtube video... I'm sure he's a nice kid and obviously mechanically talented, but this doesn't imply a carefree attitude to me - you must recognize that he has intention in his actions.

My opinions on what I am seeing out there come from when I read other forums about other topics, like urban development, etc., and the constant trash talk from the younger crowd about 'boomers' gets to be a little much. I know it's amplified by the anonymity of the internet, and the hubris of youth, but I'm allowed to have my opinion on what I see as a downward spiral of society. Not that 'boomers' are any better (as evidenced by the nastiness contained with in the 'current events' section of this very forum).

Nothing against this guy, and as I said in the part of my post that you didn't quote, I appreciate the work, even if it's not to my taste. Regardless, his video served its purpose as he has had 316K views in 7 days and has 189K subscribers - if you want to monetize your videos you have to get peoples' attention with some sort of controversy, then it will get posted and shared all over the internet. Good for him, but it still doesn't change my opinion of the situation.