Problem is, the most recent gens are complete da's that don't seem to realize the world didn't start the moment they were born. For years my youngest(19 now) called everything before he was born, "The before Times". You tell someone about the gloom and doom Ice age predictions of the 70's and they are stunned. Most of us are older so have seen this crap before and see it coming a mile away. The young folks, they just believe it. It doesn't help that the media is banging on this garbage 24/7 like it is real. Would the world be better if we didn't have ICE vehicles ever? Maybe, but we do. It isn't like they still get 8mpg. Heck my Corolla can get 40+ if driven a certain way. What more do you want? So I'll run the math for a youngster, 60k for an EV and replace battery every 100k for 15k cost. Drive car 300k and it costs 90k not including electricity. By Corolla for 24k and drive for 300k because darn thing never breaks. 90k vs 24k and that is simple math. Now, where are those 2 used batteries going to end up??????????? Since when are we not paying a disposal fee for anything???? Then tell them the US uses about 18m barrels a day. Industry uses 12m of that. Hey, we are still using oil so when someone tells you something, stop, think, pull head out of rear.

67 Barracuda FB 69 Superbee "Southern Maryland: If you want a good looking woman, you had better bring her with you"