Originally Posted by klunick
So Ford is also saying they are losing about what 40k on every Lightning sold. The plan is to sell more and this volume hopefully makes them profitable. But, right now Ford has 1000's and 1000's of overpriced trucks sitting on the dealer lots. Why? Who the heck can afford 60-75k for a pickup truck. Someone is drinking Kool-Aid here. For sold 66k electric vehicles out of a total of 1.8m and lost money on every one of them. I'm sure Ford accountants have the figure, but what volume does this become profitable? I believe(memory may fail me) that margins are the F150 are 40% right now. But, people are not buying them. They are also not buy GMs or Rams overpriced pigs. So, Selling this truck for 60k isn't going to cut it. Even worse. Ford only makes and sells one car in the US so subtract the mustang sales from that 1.8m and you see the lightning sales are miniscule compared to all the other ICE truck variants. If I were Ford/GM/Stellantis I would be figuring out how to sue the crap out of the EPA for overstepping their boundries with CAFE. It doesn't really matter. Either sue the gov(remember the gov does not direct the US economy and this was just affirmed by the SC on coal plants) and waste the money in court or figure all US auto companies will be out of business in 10 years unless some huge and I mean huge tech bomb drops to change battery size and efficiency.
I have told folks, yep, I make good money and am doing okay and should be able to retire fairly well. But, one reason is I don't go around buying 50k cars. I'm sure there are folks that make more than me but I'm also sure most make less. If I can't see buying something this stupidly expensive, I don't see Joe Smith and his wife making 60k a year doing it for sure. ie. Ford/Ram/GM are literally pricing themselves out of business. Hybrids are a different animal but that isn't what we are talking about. We will see about solid state batteries but by the time they roll out this will all be over. Solid state at least could offer more dependable range, less weight, less use of very expensive materials, and smaller size. Even worse is Ford basically stated they see themselves as a tech company that makes vehicles and plan on selling subscriptions. I'm a technophobe. Last thing I want is to have to pay a huge price for a vehicle that may not operate unless I continue to pay the drug dealer.

Increasing sales volume will drive up demand for lithium, copper, rare earth and give us even higher prices! This is not a scenario where higher volume will drive down prices. Platinum went from about $100 an ounce before cats to $650ish within 10 years when the last automakers finnaly embraced cats.... higher production volume of catalyst sales made the price go up not down.

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!