Hit the little gear icon 5th from the right lower corner of the video screen. Then go to playback speed. Set it to .25 speed. Now you can watch it slow. For this video. If you click your mouse on the red line right above the sound icon you can watch the hit over and over everytime without watching the entire video. I see a few things. First the rear axle housing separates from the body and slams the tire violently. This is a result of the rear shock rebound (extension) setting being too loose. Then the tire bounces the housing back towards the body causing spin. The rear shock compresion is also to loose. With a 28" ladder bar the rear shock settings are going to have to be pretty tight to control the housing movement. Next is the front. The rebound is to loose there as well. The tire comes off the ground nearly immediately. then any help from the front suspension is lost. This makes the spin even worse. Ideally the front tire should stay on the ground 1/2- one full revolution of the rear tire. Your shocks are so out of whack I'd start there before changing anything else. Watch this video at the same .25 playback speed. It's already slow mtion but .25 makes it even slower. watch the rear housing to the body. And in reality the front shock rebound is too loose.

Last edited by dvw; 05/04/23 08:26 AM.