Two more “teasers” about what Dr Nortin Hadler says in his book:

1. Hadler set out to design a scientific experiment to
“prove to 95% certainty”
that Doctors of Chiropractic were frauds
and their failure at effective treatment of back pain would prove this useless and wasteful fraud.
Hadler’s experimental results surprised him because they showed the opposite, but he honestly went ahead and published his results anyway.

2. Hadler believes strongly that an MD should NEVER
show a back pain patient a X-Ray/MRI/PET scan or similar
and say
“this is the root cause of your pain”
and imply to the patient that
“your pain will never lessen or disappear until we do surgery to change what that scan picture looks like.”
Dr. Hadler believes that the human body can heal, or the brain can change how much pain the patient feels.