I've had 3 lower spinal surgeries since 2013 with the most recent being a 3 disc fusion in 2018. Surgery was my only option as the previous surgeries were band aids that didn't last. I'm fine and it worked. But recovery is very slow (I was 50 at the time.) Now back in 2018 Norco did not help with my recovery pain and this was before the crackdown on opioids. They prescribed me plenty but the pain overpowered it. The first 4 days after surgery was the absolute worst for me. I have NEVER been a pot user. But a friend heard I was suffering and brought me some edibles. The edibles (cookies) made me sleep sleep and sleep PAIN FREE. I was able to make it thru that initial painful few days after surgery. After 4 days I stopped the edibles (maybe I didn't)
and the Norco was enough.

Keep old mopars alive.