Originally Posted by Cab_Burge
Two things on this, how do you determine what size unit to buy and how about using a automatic transfer switch that shuts off the local commercial power to the home when the power goes off and then automatically will transfer from the generator back to the commercial power after a set amount of time when the commercial power supply comes back on like twenty or so work scope up
All the phone company service (AKA Central Offices) offices that provide dial tone had them back in the day, I have no idea about what the cellular industry does for back up power confused

There are sizing charts online. It really depends on the appliances you have and what you want to run. Electric heat, hot water heater, dryer, stove, Hot tub all add up fast.

The automatic transfer switch is pretty slick. We lose power and it takes about 10 seconds before the Generac kicks on and takes over. When power returns, I never know. The ATS just flips back to Electric co. no interruption. btw- with Tesla powerwall you don't even lose those 10 seconds of power. But it will cost a crapload.

Once this year we had a huge outage in my area that included cell towers and cable service. We had power but no TV/nternet or cell service. That was unusual. Normally those are unaffected.