Originally Posted by Powerflow
Originally Posted by moparx
don't forget to install a cutoff unit on the generator or house service box so it doesn't backfeed into the electric lines.
the electric company guys kind of frown on getting "bit" when working on the lines to restore power.

A Service Entrance transfer switch disconnects the house from the incoming utility. You can also accomplish this if you put a fused disconnect in the line coming from the utility pole to the breaker box in the house. You just have to remember to manually open the disconnect every time you run the generator. The Service Entrance transfer switch does this automatically.

A "manual" switch sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Do a legit install. Killing someone or yourself is not worth what you might save by a hillbilly installation.

Never, ever argue with an IDIOT. They will drag you to their level and then beat you with their years of experience