as a machinist, in my opinion, your options are not favorable.
fixing what you have by welding the broken piece will be a tricky proposition, especially if you or the person you get to weld it up, lacks experience welding chinesium. that stuff is full of who knows what alloy, and many times when welded, will fracture on each side of the weld no matter what precautions are taken during the repair.
if you can find a machine like what you have that has other issues but the part you need is good, buy it cheap, or find the part you need by following the ideas already presented.
if it were me, i would look on the page of fake faces or craig's list for a better machine. lots of them there for very good prices.
remove the motor, the chuck, pulleys, and any other usable parts from your press, then junk the rest.
just my machinist in me talking. your mileage will vary.