A vehicles standard of measurement and comparison will always be 1/4 mile. You will never open a motor trend and see the new Corvettes, Mercedes, ect. 1/8 mile listed a part of the performance specs

1/8 mile bracket racing is a product of the times. It really has nothing to do with the et, or performance. Those people will take part in a practice tree race. realcrazy

There will never be definitive proof one program is faster than another. Same racers, same cars, same place, same time. This is all opinion. But I have been entered in 1/4 classes were all the breaks for the entire day were in 1/8 mile classes.

Forget the burnout they won't start the tree until both cars are off the track, which at an 1/8 mile event is forever. Some of these people are going 10 mph, and have been, by the time they hit the exit.

The starting reason for my local track changing was the cars with chutes said they would rather run 1/8, than get out to pick up their chute. Think about that for a minute. That tells you where society is today.