Originally Posted by gdonovan
Originally Posted by wjb123
Originally Posted by wingman
Still have some old metal Eagle cans I still use. They are tough, seal tight, and don't tip over in the trunk.

They are pricey new, but I got them at a DRMO auction years ago. Keep your eye out at garage sales and estate sales--the old cans are still out there.


Same here. I went to the Eagle cans probably 10-12 years ago when I first experienced those garbage ventless cans they forced on us. Expensive is right, just googled them up and I think they are 2x what I paid back then. I like the eagle can just fine. I can't tell if this has any impact on the manufacture of those. Let's hope not.

The Chinese are perfectly happy to sell you a 5 gallon "water jug"


up Might advise painting it red as I believe federal law states so for gasoline, just in case wink