So Lenny was wrong with his advice? And my experience with his advice didn't happen? But you didn't list any personal experience with this combo. Does that mean that you have no actual first hand knowledge with it? And your references appear to be more about very different combos and in different applications than I am referencing. I have ran this combo on several cars and combinations for years. And despite my best efforts, the trannies usually get to 160* or so with much driving time. FYI: None of my combos made over "700 HP".

Now for daily driver vehicles where you expect to put tons and tons more miles than we are talking about with our dinosaurs, I completely agree with your parameters with one minor exception, 180* rather than 160* for a preferred minimum. But the OP asked a question about a particular situation that I have a good amount of experience with. And I only offered the advise that I was given by an acknowledged converter expert and my experiences with that advice. If that advice and experience is even going the direction that the OP wants. Also, I am not suggesting that you and everyone else follow this. It is very application and preference specific.

I think it is very unfortunate that you disparage something that you apparently have no experience with and only go by 'what you have been told' vs your personal experience.

What exactly are you saying would happen to a street car tranny like the OP's should he decide to run the combination that I have? Or in my case, what should have happened to mine?

Master, again and still