I had a 54 Dodge pickup, it was still 6 volts. I got away with the 6 volt wiper motor for a couple of years! I'd sort of use it like a time delay wiper, I hit the on switch for a few strokes then shut it off. If you got in a bind it actually worked OK (but was really fast) for about 5 minutes. My buddy and I got caught in a down pour once, even with the wipers on hyper speed, I could barely see the road. we were in an area we didn't know at all and was looking for a place to pull over. We finally found a spot to pull over but the motor went up in smoke before I got it shut off. We had to open the windows because the cab was full of that nasty burnt electric motor smelling smoke. It was so thick we couldn't see across the cab! It was still pouring outside, so me and my buddy both got pretty wet. We had to wait for the smoke to clear the cab, and we had to wait until the rain slowed down enough I could see the road again. We were fortunate that the rain was pretty well past us, so we made it home without wipers. I managed to cobble in some sort of modern wiper motor, and my buddy and I made several runs with that old Dodge. Everything we got caught in a rain, my buddy asked if we were going to see the wiper motor go up in smoke again and we both laughed. Good times! I put 40,000 miles on that truck in 4 years time, and it sat 3-4 months during the winters!