"some are shocking experiences".................. laugh2

one of my first jobs in life was in the 7th grade.
a few of us kids would ride ride the school bus that went to the outskirts of town where a greenhouse was located, that was owned by the parents of another kid we knew in school.
i'll never forget the pay scale quote : "5 cents for the little boxes and 10 cents for the big boxes. the more ya do, the more ya make. and if you do good during the week, you can work saterday with Ears...." [that was a grownup doofus that tended the coal furnace and did repairs to the greenhouse structure]
some, or should i say MOST of the wiring in that place, was done using the "best" cheapo extension cords and multi-plug adapters the local 5&10 store had to offer. biggrin panic