Nothing is safe when Mother Nature has a fit.

Foolish humans still think they can protect things from her.

The weather reports up to a day before still didn't have any idea how the storm was going to track. The possible storm tracks covered roughly 600 miles of possible land entry. How far do you move stuff, just in case, and in what direction would you take the stuff?

My brother in law lives 30 miles south of the place the storm hit landfall. The predicted storm serge was suppose to be 3'-4' high (a beach front house), he didn't get hardly any storm serge, but places south, and north of him got blasted.

The home of the winged cars appears to be several feet above the sea level. If the storm serge was predicted to be 4' -6', it probably shouldn't have even reached the house. The cars were on lifts, raised 6' high. They should have been reasonably safe.