It's time to do something about the 541 rolling over and playing dead at 5100 rpm.
Opinions were pretty firm on the valve springs being insufficient so that's being addressed.

The elephant in the room is that monstrosity of an intake. It was a fun science project 17 years ago and it worked great on my 440. There is some question about it being able to feed 541 inches at any appreciable RPM.

Being the data nerd that I am, I start asking myself too many questions that I can't find answers to. It's time to call in the pros.

The boys over at Wilson Manifolds have sent me a form to complete. I'll fill it out and include a plethora of photos of the intake, inside and out. Luckily, I still have some photos of the original build. They'll tell me if it's viable, salvageable, or a train wreck that needs to go away. I'm sure they've got all kinds of wonderful shiny things that are just perfect for what the motor needs but this thing doesn't need a $5000 intake.
I'm not afraid to throw a little money at it but the packaging requirements dictate an induction system that is no taller than what I currently have. There's plenty of cash in the engine already. It kinda makes sense to drop a bit more if it'll make it happier

We are brothers and sisters doing time on the planet for better or worse. I'll take the better, if you don't mind.
- Stu Harmon