3,101 cars in the show to set an all-time record. I sit down in the Celebrity Luncheon (no, I am NOT a celebrity!) and who should sit down right across from me but Miss Claudia, the Direct Connection girl we all loved so... amazing how she managed to transport me back in time right to being a tongue-tied adolescent. laugh2 She was a lot of fun to talk to, although I felt bad for her hubby, as he might have said three or four words. Have an old Car Craft with an article about the Sox & Martin team that is divided into three sections—"If Ronnie Drives the Cars, and Jake Builds the Engines, What does Buddy Do?" Ronnie had signed his part of the article in 2000. I worked just a couple blocks away from where Jake had his very last shop here in Burlington, NC and got him to sign his part just a few years before he passed, and finally was able to get Buddy to sign his part at the show. To say I was stoked about that is an understatement. It was a Mopar quest completed for me. All around it was a great show in spite of the rain on Saturday! up