I put one in a diesel and it was made with a defect. It chewed the edge off the lockup clutch. They wouldn’t do anything for me. No call tag , no payback for any of the trouble once they had it in hand and acknowledged it was a manufacturer error. No new one to stick in to keep the truck from being down. The trans shop didn’t have room to leave it undone. Best they would do after the fact was a convertor “at cost” after I complained at the mess being mishandled.

I had to have the truck back and a stock reman went in while this mess unfolded. I wanted to keep using a better converter, but to this day the truck isn’t as good as it could be thanks to them not sending me one to stick in as the junk one came out. I told them that was it for them getting my money or recommendation to anyone. They will leave you hanging.

I want my fair share