Yep. I was pounded this early, and pounded it into my boys who race wedge cars.

I use low gear for putting it on the trailer, into the garage, and leaving the starting line only. In the water I start in second, and shift to high. With water on the tires it doesn't take much to get them spinning. I NEVER use low in the water, for anything. Why?

I notice a fair number of these explosions are done by cars that also do a little street duty. Go out, blow the tires off in low to impress the local kids, turn the sprag, bolt some meats on it and k-pow, there you go. Then you can blame it on the Transmission itself. Never mind that thousands have been raced for over a half a century, 99 percent of them with no issue.

Keep your stuff in good shape, den on't do stupid stuff, and pay attention. You won't have any problems.

But, what do I know?

Last edited by Steve1118; 07/09/22 11:44 AM.

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