My Sister in Law let me make some passes in her 2020 Scat pack TA shaker with the 6.4L and the 6 speed stick. It was horrible to launch on the stock tires. The first gear is stupid tall and by the time you get enough RPM in the launch it will spin and tire hop. The clutch was super smooth but so light it was hard to get a feel for. I bogged a few passes really bad getting a feel for the clutch and when I got after it enough it spun then tire hopped really bad. I gave the keys back after I got totally smoked by a 1320 Challenger. I think that 8 speed had banged out 3 gears before the 6.4 was able to get up on that stupid 1st gear ratio.

I have heard the 6.4L stick cars have the same trans gearing as the hellcat which would explain the super tall 1st gear.

68 Barracuda Formula S 340