Originally Posted by JERICOGTX
Originally Posted by J_BODY
The last two years I’ve found myself “done” with racing from Memorial Weekend to at least September unless I made a trek north…. I just can’t get myself to go hang out in a sea of asphalt for 1-2 days in the blazing sun. Last weekend in Vegas I saw they had 105 degrees. This coming weekend at Famoso forecasted 108. Vegas used to run at night which at least made it a little more bearable….other than the heat blazing up from the scorched earth laugh2

Pack up and move Nort to that sliver of SD paradise you bought...

I’ll be like 25 min from Sturgis Dragway…. I’ve never been less than 2hrs away from a drag strip in my life. Even out here my “go to” track is Famoso and that’s a 5hr pull roughly 27 gal one way smile. I don’t race much at Vegas for the reasons Al mentioned.