Well the "good news" is we really don't have any place to race within hundreds of miles for the next few months anyway. One of those things guys back east don't have to deal with and I think one many don't quite understand. Within three hours of my Ohio house I had a dozen options when it was not raining. Within 12 hours, which is what we have to do here the options are almost limitless.

When we open the trailer door the water temp gauge is often 135+. The worst race I ever ran here was in August for a pinks all out deal. When we got here it was 113 opened the trailer and the cars water temp gauge was just under 150. It was freaking brutal...

I do not understand why the LVMS current track manager is so adverse to racing at night. I know most everyone has plead with him to go back to night racing. Instead its juniors early in the day and big cars starting around noon, so you can race in the heat of the day. No wonder why they can get a whole race done in 3-4 hour, four classes, because no one shows up. If it were not for al the California and Utah racers there would not be a program left. They come because they have no where else to go. Of course if this keeps up we will likely loose our bracket program, as he loves to threaten. I remember under Blair racing at night in the summer, yep still 100+ and track temps still over 150 but at least a guy was not getting assaulted by the sun. Miss those big 4th of July shows with drifters, monster trucks, high flying supercross guys, fireworks, and bracket racing gong all night long at the same facility. Things have definitely gone down hill since Blair left and the current guy took over. Participation has gone down hill ever since. He is going to have a self fulfilling prophecy if it keeps up "sabotaging" the local program.

Sorry off my soapbox....

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"