Originally Posted by domingo
Originally Posted by ZIPPY
Originally Posted by domingo

all i see for sale off the shelf requires at least a 2500 or 3000 rpm tor converter

maybe even somebody might have a "wimpy" hemi cam collecting dust on a shelf??

I can't take the bait, as I had a new reproduction OE '70 hydraulic on the shelf for about 9 years, I'd put it on ebay twice in that time and nobody wanted it, didn't even have any watchers. I actually almost scrapped it at one point but didn't quite have the heart.
Ended up selling it recently on FBBO to a fellow who was tired of running a racing cam on the street.

I'd suggest maybe take a look ( in detail) as to what a stock street Hemi vehicle (the transmission) had, to support the engine.
Ex: A completely stock 10&3/4 high stall street hemi converter fell exactly into the 2500+ range mentioned.
The old Direct Connection chassis manual has some of that information.

(You weren't intending to use a 12" low stall converter from a C body in that car, were you?)

Other than that, here are some puppy cams that might be of interest.



For a few dollars more, can always call rbre and order a 'street cruiser' mystery cam with no specifications, for
more of an old-timey experience of not really having a clue what cam you have, which some may prefer.

i remember reading someplace stock hemi converters had around a 1800 stall.

not sure about that though.

i am just about trying to decide which cam and converter to go with.

thanks for the links will give em a look.

and yes, i was about to call bullet on the cam. i got a "pure stock" hemi cam from them a while ago.

My stock 68 vert behind a 383 would go almost 3000, still got it too.