I've been vaxed and boosted but still caught this damn Omicrom (based on symptons) early last week. And I got it BAD. If you havent had it try not to.

Started with raw sinuses. Then drippy nose. Then wicked headache (like my brain is swollen and pressurized), body aches, fever, sore throat, night swets - like a BAD flu. But the SORE THROAT. Like the worst strep thoat I've ever had. Can't sleep cause I cant swallow my own saliva. Havent been able to eat or drink much either so thats not helping. 5 days in and maybe a tiny bit better - or I'm just getting more used to the "eating broken glass PAIN" when I do have to swallow. After a couple days I was really concerned. Made an appoint at CVS with a Minute Clinic because if you test positive they will give you a 5 day pack of government paid for anti-viral pills. The anti-virals are supposed to prevent the virus from replicating and thus ease symptoms. Let me tell you I can't "tell" if they are working, and if thery are and this would have been worse without them, I wouldnt be here!!! I've had Pneumonia a few times that was a walk in the park compared to this crap. Luckily we just purchased a new lake house last fall so I've quarantined here. Wife just brought me over the counter meds and food today and set outside. Oh, one other symptom; when I drove 5 miles to the drug store I wandered out of my lane a few times. Dizziness? The "brain fog" they speak of? I bought one of those fingertip PulseOx monitors that you can check your blood oxygen level so I didnt suffocate to death while out here alone. So far my lungs have stayed clear, for now. I read where people think they are turning the corner to only get real sick then, well..... Luckily my daughter is a PA so she's keeping in touch with me.

Worst part is I have a small biz to run. Not the kind of biz where I sit in an office lighting cigars with $100 bils. I have the kind where I work 12 to 18 hour days EVERY day making stuff, answering phones, running the biz. I am so behind and screwed.

Just curious who else has had it, the bad stuff, and how long did it take to get over it.

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