Definitely hitting the Hostess Rack: Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Fruit Pies.
All-American Blackberry Fruit Pies when we can find them. They're like sex, except I'm having it.
Those knee-high Pringles' tubes for sure.
Wildberry Licorice but I get the impression since they were my favorite, it's been discontinued. Haven't been able to find it in a few years now.

I'm not much of a Chocolate person, and it melts and gets gross so very rarely do you see Chocolate on a road trip with me. I might get a hankering for an Eat More bar though. But I do terribly miss the purple, Caramel Eat More bars. Again, anything I like gets discontinued.

For drinks; goto is Cherry Coke. Seconded by RC Cola. Again, neither of which I can find in Canuckistan.

Fast Food stops exclude anything I CAN have at home. So, no A&W, no Mickey D's, no Dairy Queen. Heck yes to Arby's, Wendy's, SONIC (OMG, yes!) Jack-in-the-Box or any of those wonderful, exotic Fast-Food places that don't come north of the 49th.

And yes, I'll be in a pine box before I'm 65. I've come to accept that. Hence, why I'm shoving anything good n' tasty in my mouth while I can. No males in my family born after 1945 have survived to see their golden years. We're cursed. If the drink don't get 'em, then it was either Cancer or Heart failure.

My goal is to be buried in a Steinway casket. laugh2

Last edited by That AMC Guy; 05/07/22 02:58 AM.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....