Years ago drove from Detroit to Washington DC during a time I was really trying to watch my diet.
Stopped for a couple meals, but my snacks consisted
of orange slices (actual oranges, not candy) and broccoli marinated in some cheap italian salad dressing overnight.
I kept it all in a couple bags in a small cooler with plenty of ice.
Feeling hungry? Marinated broccoli. Feeling tired? Orange slices.
Drank only water. Worked out pretty well. The 3 passengers in the car had a bunch of cookies, candy and Chips. We arrived,
I felt great, and they all felt like crap LOL.

During not so careful times, Better Made Hot chips

The Ronnie James Dio chips (Rainbow in the Dark) are pretty damn good as well.

Avocado oil potato chips seem to be well worth the extra cost too.

Wife's choice: Twizzlers
Another of mine: Peanut M&Ms

Rich H.

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